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West Hollywood Robbery gone Right

On Thursday, in the city of West Hollywood, a business owner opened his shop like he does every morning, but today turned out to be different than most days. As he began the opening process for his store, which is a gun shop, a man with a gun started to bang on the glass door. The masked man was trying to get the gun shop owner to open the door and he threatened to pull the trigger. However, little did the man know that the shop had bullet proof glass installed at the doors and windows. So the shop owner calmly got his weapon out from behind the counter and pushed his panic button. The masked man tried to break the glass with his pistol, but soon realized that it was not going to work. As the masked man started to give up and walk away, the police arrived at the scene and a foot chase ensued. The police ended up catching the man and he was immediately arrested without anybody getting injured in the process. If you want a robbery to go any way, it is the way that it occurred in the city of West Hollywood on Thursday morning.

west hollywood robbery

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